The PicPod project has hit 50 episodes, a milestone we never imagined we would reach. We hope you have found these podcasts informative and useful. Here’s to the next 50!

For this special anniversary episode we have three very special guests: Deanna Behrens from Chicago, Sapna Kudchakar from Baltimore, and Robert Tasker from Cambridge and Harvard.

Deanna and Sapna are highly active on twitter in the #PedsICU domain, and Sapna is also a senior associate editor at PCCM. Robert Tasker is the editor in chief of PCCM. Between @DeannaMarie208, @SapnaKmd, @RobertCTasker, and @PicPod_Podcast we share over 20,000 followers on Twitter (methodological and statistical note: these are not all unique followers).

Is medical twitter useful? How should we use the huge amounts of information there? What is the difference between information and knowledge, and how do we (should we) ensure that we use the second, not the first?

The rigour applied to traditional publishing is important, but how much is this being undermined by the headline grabbing tweets, and by the extensive use of preprints which then lead to media stories?

What is the future for hard copy journals, and how do they compete with open access journals? How do predatory journals fit in to the picture? What do researchers do who cannot afford the open access fees?

Finally, we discuss how to encourage diversity and equality in medical publishing and information dissemination.

Thank you to our guests both on this podcast and on the previous 49, to everyone who has been so encouraging, and to the thousands of listeners around the world.

Categories: Podcast