One of the most entertaining talks at the 2023 Paediatric Critical Care Society Conference was by Roddy O’Kane, consultant neurosurgeon in Glasgow, on the management of ICP.

On the theme of the conference, he was very clear: proper management of ICP depends on excellent team work, and listening to all the members of the team.

He spoke also about the dangers of being in PICU: what damage does the deep sedation we use do? Is the primary goal to keep the patient flat, or to get out of PICU?

On decompressive craniectomies: what did Rescue ICP tell us, or did it just underline what we thought we knew already? If you’re going to do one, then how large should it be?

Link to the article discussed during the podcast: Managing raised intracranial pressure in paediatric brain injury – Paediatrics and Child Health (

Categories: Podcast